  • Remote
  • Charter
  • Destination
  • Solutions


ASAC Aviation Charters is on the frontlines of global disaster relief efforts, with experience organizing the delivery of vital supplies, food, water, medical supplies, power generators, water purification equipment, and rebuilding materials to natural and man-made disaster zones, areas affected by conflict or the world’s most remote regions. Our ability to react quickly, efficiently and effectively when and where it matters most make us the first choice for numerous governments and aid organizations to arrange to deliver support to those in need. We are committed to providing expert sustained, long-term logistics guidance including dedicated rescue, evacuation and humanitarian relief charter team to disaster relief organizations and disaster assistance campaigns seeking to help people in need.

When disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, storms, typhoons, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions knock out the infrastructure, overwhelm the response teams, and puts the lives of local people at risk, help is needed right away and at any cost. It is vital that support is delivered to those in urgent need. However, situations such as these create the greatest logistical challenges such as air traffic administration issues, aircraft handling problems and finding the most suitable cargo aircraft. In most cases, humanitarian relief charters are the only effective option to deliver support to the disaster-stricken area.


When these natural and manmade disasters strike, the first challenge is to transport your teams, equipment, and critical relief goods, sometimes to parts of the world that may lack a proper logistics and infrastructure. Our unique experience, advanced technical support, and vast global reach can often see us using a hybrid combination of emergency cargo charter flights and scheduled service solutions to strike the proper balance and ensure that nothing is delayed in transit. We have learned how to best combine our unique capability to reach remote destinations with our network of thousands of aircraft and relationships to react with an agile response and find the most suitable aircraft. This allows us to organize in all unexpected crises and in natural disasters when people are struggling for survival.

Humanitarian releif Cargo management and solutions

• Express Full Air Charters

• Search & Rescue Flights

• Air & Ocean Shipments

• Relief Logistics Coordination

• Ground Equipment

• Aircraft Leasing

• Medical Supply Airdropping

• Evacuation Flights

When the response time can mean the difference between life and death, air charters are unrivaled in disaster aid

ASAC Aviation Charters’ vast assortment of global affiliates mean you do not have to wait for a response to disaster with lives on the line. We are happy to respond to any call for humanitarian aid and will do so immediately to guarantee your humanitarian relief charter is on its way before any more lives are compromised. These are simply a few examples of the types of disaster relief we may assist with. If you or your organization is in need of an emergency cargo charter right away, regardless of type, please give our representatives a call and we will have relief on the way.

Types of Aircraft Available for Your Humanitarian Relief Cargo Charter

ASAC Aviation Charters partners with locations, pilots, airlines and other operators all over the country. Agents are dedicated to finding the right aircraft for your urgent cargo charter service. While we have access to the largest variety of aircraft globally, these are a few that we can schedule to deliver your express critical cargo depending on availability and regional requirements. Waste no time; contact us now to begin your shipment process.
